Stert Street

An excavation was carried out on a vacant plot in Stert Street, now the Job Centre, in 1975 and 1976. Remains of medieval and post-medieval buildings, and pits and a well of the same date, were found, along with much pottery. Other finds included the skeleton of an infant, Roman pottery and coins, and an ice-skate made from the bone of a horse.

Excavation on a vacant site in Stert Street, showing steps and the cellar of a demolished building. (c) AAAHS

Fitzharris motte

An earth mound next to the River Stert may be the remains of a medieval motte, or castle mound, connected with Fitzharris Manor.

A later manor house, on what is now a green at Fitzharris Road nearby, was demolished in the 1950s.

West Central Redevelopment Area

Oxford Archaeology excavated on the site of the Regal Cinema and Southern Electricity Board depot, in advance of redevelopment.

Discoveries included the ditches of the Iron Age oppidum, a medieval building, a small cemetery which may be medieval, and remains of medieval and later occupation of the area.

Old Gaol

The remains of a Roman temple, possibly preceded by an Iron Age shrine, were found in excavations before the Old Gaol flats were built.

Ditches which may be medieval property boundaries, and medieval pits and later structures, were also found.

Abbey Fisponds Nature Reserve

An earth bank across a stream valley is the remains of a medieval fishpond, perhaps connected to Abingdon Abbey.

An excavation by Abingdon’s Archaeological Society in 2009 suggested that the dam also served as a causeway, carrying the road to Radley across the valley.

Railway Inn

Foundations of a Roman building were found when the Railway Inn site was being developed in 2002.

The building had been built over the infilled defensive ditches of Abingdon’s Iron Age ‘oppidum’. Medieval and later features were also found

Market Place

In 1972, an excavation on a vacant site on the Market Place (behind the County Hall) found a large number of medieval rubbish pits and much medieval pottery.

These would have been in rear yard or garden of a property fronting onto the Market Place, which was the heart of the medieval town. Much Roman pottery was also found.

Faringdon Road

Skeletons were found and excavated when a house was being extended.

They seem to be part of a medieval cemetery which is not recorded in any documents.

Vineyard (Cattlemarket) excavations

An excavation on the site of the New Abbey House Council offices found Iron Age houses, a Roman building and stone-lined well, Roman skeletons in lead coffins, Saxon buildings, features relating to Abingdon abbey including the cemetery where townspeople were buried, and a previously unknown cemetery from the English Civil War.